Why isn’t Hunter Bider revered (instead of reviled) by Republicans?

I understand that to many Republicans these days anyone with a “D” next to their party affiliation is equivalent to pond scum. And that when you add the word “Biden,” you produce abhorrence, abomination and gastrointestinal explosions. But it seems to me that each of the alleged despicable actions by the President’s son are things that Republicans ordinarily wrap their arms around.
First, Biden’s son sought to evade paying taxes and cheat the government and “law-abiding” Americans out of their legal share of his income. But aren’t Republicans the “anti-tax” party who believe that the overreaching government is constantly stealing their hard-earned money (well, except when it comes to getting their social security or providing them aid when it’s their state that’s been ravaged by the latest climate change-inducing hurricane, fire or flood). And, accordingly, don’t many Republicans proudly use every tactic at their disposal (some legal, some not) to avoid paying their own fair share of taxes? Moreover, didn’t the multi-billionaire former President who they want to rule the western world, fail to pay ANY income taxes for more than 10 years?!
Perhaps their problem with Biden’s son is that he actually copped to what he did and paid back the taxes he owed along with a hefty penalty for his crime. Those who worship at the Trump alter know that you NEVER admit any wrongdoing – instead, you fight like hell against all charges with a litany of lawyers you don’t pay, seek to deflect your own crimes by pointing out the crimes of others, use your bully pulpit to claim everything you’ve done wrong is a political witch-hunt against you, and obstruct and delay our slow legal system long enough until you regain power and can simply pardon all of your past sins (like the Catholic confession but without the actual confession or request for forgiveness part).
Second, the younger Biden apparently bought a gun when he was a drug addict which was against the law. But aren’t Republicans also the “gun party” who idolize weapons and believe there should be no restrictions on their purchase and use? Indeed, an overwhelming majority of them oppose bans on assault weapons and magazine limitations, “red flag” laws, expanded background checks for buyers under the age of 21, and even the same rules for private sales at gun shows that apply to those purchasing from a licensed dealer. And they also vehemently oppose restrictions on where they can bring their guns. If most had their druthers anyone should be able to buy a gun, conceal it, and use it whenever and wherever they like- even courtrooms, hospitals and schools. After all, they admonish, it’s “bad people” who cause these daily tragic mass killings (a whopping 656 of them in 2023) not their access to these wonderfully powerful guns; the “good people” (apparently those who were “protecting our nation” by storming the U.S. Capitol) need to have these weapons at their ready disposal to defend themselves against the bad guys and, of course, for “recreational purposes” (to hunt). So why aren’t these same folks championing Hunter Bider’s purchase? And why don’t they love a man actually named “Hunter?”
Third, this Biden son is accused of using his dad’s name and political clout to secure favors, jobs and money. Isn’t this how America has worked for centuries and how the vast majority of politicians from both sides of the aisle operate to secure and maintain their positions, to get their kids into top schools and obtain important jobs for them and to live a luxurious lifestyle? And weren’t the Republicans and the Supreme Court Justices they appointed responsible for perpetuating and expanding this political influence-peddling in the landmark case of Citizens United – arguably, the single worst Supreme Court decision ever written? (Remember, this is now a country where a Supreme Court Justice can receive lucrative gifts, exotic trips and even a home for his mom from a person who has legal cases in front of him without recusing himself or Republicans even batting an eye!) I can’t understand how Hunter’s use of his dad’s name, however deplorable some (including me) may find it, is any different than what happens routinely every day of the week in the corporate, education and political worlds.
So, while I’m no supporter of Hunter Biden or his actions, the extreme outrage expressed by those on the right toward him based on the charges brought to date is highly hypocritical and clearly trumped up by the Trumper himself and his millions of minions.
At the very least, Republicans should thank their lucky stars for Hunter because he offers them the opportunity to cavalierly respond to every charge against Trump, no matter how morally or criminally revolting, with the simple retort, “But what about Hunter Biden?” (the same tactic they employed against Hillary Clinton when she used her personal e-mail server for classified material). Of course, there is no moral equivalency between a Presidential candidate’s SON failing to pay taxes and illegally buying a gun, and a Presidential candidate having encouraged an insurrection against the United States. But that doesn’t matter to people who really only care about paying less taxes, acquiring an arsenal of guns and having friends and religious ideologues on the Supreme Court, and who can easily perpetuate their distortions to the masses through social media.