What People can Learn from Golden Retrievers!

What People can Learn from Golden Retrievers!

July 15, 2018 Uncategorized 0

Compared to our canine brethren, we humans are blessed with a much larger brain, the advantage of being able to walk upright and two opposable thumbs, enabling us to perform activities a dog can only dream about – like opening up the food bin and helping himself to a larger portion.

However, when it comes to matters of the heart and how to treat others and live a good life, we can learn a lot from the Golden Retriever.

In a world full of anger, distrust and often outright hatred toward those with different viewpoints, the Golden Retriever ironically provides a great role model for human decency. His daily mantra is one of love which he directs not only to cherished family members, but also to outright strangers. The Golden loves everyone –  young and old, black, white and brown, Christian, Muslim, Jew and Agnostic, and both Democrats and Republicans. He could care less where you emigrated from. The Golden is generally the only one in the neighborhood that truly lives by the creed to “love thy neighbor” – without qualification or conditions.

In a world where many seek to tear others down, the Golden strives to build people up and make them feel special. Imagine if everyone greeted you when you walked in the house, office, classroom or courtroom like a golden retriever does!

In a world of all-too-frequent arrogance – encouraged by the antics of certain political leaders – the Golden stands out for its humility. He can run faster than any of us, is better looking than most of us, and could undoubtedly rip us apart with his incisors if he really wanted to. And yet, the Golden is never braggadocios about these superior qualities. He is the true “stable genius” – but never tells you.

In a world where many are consumed with self and self-interest, the Golden relishes the opportunity to do selfless, meaningful work. With proper training, Goldens make excellent guides for the blind, help detect bombs in luggage or in minefields, and rescue people who have been buried in earthquakes.

In a world where manipulation and lying has not only become rampant but also somehow acceptable to many, the Golden is direct and honest: he wants belly rubs and he wants food – and lots of both.

And, in a world where people are often stagnate in their ways and beliefs, and refuse to change or learn, the Golden has an insatiable curiosity for the world around him. From his incessant sniffing alone, the Golden demonstrates an interest in actual science ( What molecular scents are on this person or blade of grass that are stimulating my olfactory nerve so?), history (What dog was here before me?), math ( If I were to go to the bathroom again, how many dumps does that make for the day?) and law ( I wonder who owns this property, whether I am trespassing, and if my mess constitutes a nuisance?) Curiosity leads to exploration and collaboration with others who may have different viewpoints and have new ideas, and possibly even compromise – the very foundation of human advancement.

Perhaps it’s time to elect a Golden Retriever President?

P.S. Happy 2nd Birthday today to Vinny (he’s the white guy in front in the photo with his girlfriend Simba closely behind; Simba’s owner, John, remarkably captured them with all 8 legs off the ground at the same time). 

In lieu of gifts this year, Vinny has asked people to consider instead buying my latest novel, “Searching for the Dragonfly.” I told you he was selfless!