

March 13, 2017 Uncategorized 0

I am taking some time off from my weekly blogging activities to work on a second novel. I hope to return to blogging, at least periodically, in the future.

If you have enjoyed the blog and haven’t yet bought my book Belladonna, please consider doing so (see “My Books” on this site for the link to purchase).

If you have already bought and read it, thank you for your support!  Please pass along the recommendation of my book to your friends and colleagues or buy a few as gifts for the upcoming holiday season.

Writers who do not have a publisher (most of us) depend upon the support of folks like you to keep writing. Thanks much! 



For those who are in a book club, and want to buy Belladonna to read as a group, I have prepared a document containing various topics for animated discussion including specific questions relating to the book, which I would be happy to supply to you free of charge if you simply write to me at msophir@aol.com