Have we forgotten some folks during this pandemic?

Have we forgotten some folks during this pandemic?

April 25, 2020 Uncategorized 0

During these unprecedented and difficult times we naturally tend to be more concerned about ourselves, our families and our close friends. Some also expand their empathy and dollars to help the folks who are sick, the financially strapped and especially the hero doctors and nurses on the front lines. That’s all certainly appropriate.

But what about our inanimate objects whose lives have also been greatly impacted by this virus thing? We take them for granted and often fail to appreciate and empathize with what they are going through.

There is the cell phone which has never been so busy in her life. The cell phones thought we humans talked and used them way too much before the crisis (I know because I have attended their annual conference in Vegas). But they had no idea what we were capable of if given a quarantine order and no sports to watch. Many of these folks are experiencing serious overload and exhaustion at this time.

Not far behind is the computer. Sure it has a mind-boggling memory and capacity but talk about taking advantage! From remote working and teaching to an inordinate number of Zoom sessions to scrambling to get the latest news about potential cures (I don’t know about you, but I am especially excited about this ingesting Lysol idea!) these guys are also at their breaking point emotionally, if not technologically.

And then there’s my TV. He was accustomed to me shouting with joy at a great goal, pass reception or defensive gem or screaming at him when there was a lousy call, bad coaching decision, or stupid play made by a guy on my squad. Whether it was the thrill of victory (the time we spent together on June 12, 2019 when the Blues captured their first Stanley Cup in 52 years was magical and something that both of us will never forget) or the agony of defeat, there was always a passion that we shared. Now it’s all about Netflix – crazy, immoral manipulative people from my home state killing people left and right in the name of power and money; and attractive young people routinely exposing their abs and cleavage but not allowed to have sex until some computer device tells them they can or they forfeit $100,000. It’s just not the same.

On the flip side there are our cars who are getting older and lazier by the minute just sitting around. Like us, they thrive on exercise to work properly and achieve longevity. They also, no doubt, feel abandoned and long for the post-World War II days when people would just get in their cars and go for a Sunday drive.

And there is my beloved tennis racquet which has been looking at me lately wondering what the f**k is going on. He knows that I used to spend quality time with him for a couple of hours twice a week, and he undoubtedly can’t understand why I no longer so much as hold him. He probably thinks it’s because of a few bad shots he hit in his last outing and I can’t explain to him that it’s not his fault (at least this time!)

My shower is also completely baffled. She is a creature of habit and used to a steady routine – one quick shower by me and another VERY LONG shower by my better half in the morning. The rest of the day and evening is a piece of cake for her – free time to do whatever the hell she wants without concern about making sure she has to “put out” and is the right temperature. But now she can be called upon any time of day to provide service – in the afternoon or even evening- and she often has to perform two-a-days- if extra yard work and work-outs demand odor reduction (or if we are just looking for something to do or a place to hang out).

The bottom line is that these guys and gals are also going through a hard time and it wouldn’t hurt to show them a little appreciation, respect and love.