Author: msophir

A New Year’s Resolution for Time Maximization?

Given the desire of most people to live in perpetuity, and the unfortunate fact that it’s just not happening (at least during our lifetimes), the next best thing is to maximize our time in this place. I have previously addressed the issue of sleep and how we could get up to another 33% out of…
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January 1, 2018 0

What’s with your Name?

A name is kind of important. For an individual it’s the first thing someone else hears about you, and studies routinely show that people draw conclusions about you pretty darn early. It’s also a word that you will hear hundreds of thousands of times in your life, and that you will write on every test,…
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October 6, 2017 0

Flag Waving and Anthem Hypocrisy

I get it- the American Flag is a cherished symbol of our country that represents to many the great sacrifices that have been made throughout the centuries to defend our country.  But the flag also symbolizes to others the great freedoms we enjoy as citizens of a free country- none more important than the freedom…
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September 29, 2017 0

Is our Highest Court Really Supreme?

The next session of the United States Supreme Court is about to commence on October 2. “SCOTUS” is not only king of the judiciary branch, but it also has the power to override any actions of the President and Congress that it deems unconstitutional. Moreover, the decisions of the Court can have a profound impact on…
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September 23, 2017 0

The Sports Dynasty

For those who can use a break from massive hurricanes, devastating earthquakes, and threats of complete nuclear annihilation, I take on the considerably lighter issue of the sports dynasty. The term sports “dynasty” presumably derives from the powerful empires that have ruled the world for long stretches of time, often with more than a touch of ruthlessness. Some of the biggies have included the Russian Empire that lasted…
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September 16, 2017 0

Erectile Function

The advent of another professional and college football season means virtually nonstop games on the tube, lots of gambling and fantasy talk, and zombie-like stares from much of the male population when those who have little regard for the game dare to speak during the 11 minutes of actual action. But this time of year…
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September 9, 2017 0

Happy Birthday to My Wife the Nurse

My standard joke on my half birthday, and in fact on the 21st day of every single month, is to point out that “it’s my birthday today.” I then proceed to express my utter disbelief and disappointment that no one has texted me congratulations yet, posted how great I am on Facebook, or sent me tickets to the…
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August 26, 2017 0

Drugs, Drugs, Drugs for Sale

  Are you one of those people who every time you hear about a medical condition or disease, you think you may have it?  One of my sisters is like that- you mention poison ivy she starts scratching. Polio– and she suddenly can’t walk (o.k. slight exaggeration). She has been convinced for decades that she…
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August 19, 2017 0

“To Be Honest With You”

  We have all heard this statement before many times and it is one of my least favorite expressions (this side of “yummy”). It’s designed to be reassuring but actually produces the opposite effect for me. As a lawyer, I have heard many witnesses in a deposition and at trial utter these words, usually its expanded version…
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August 13, 2017 0


I am heading out of town this Labor day weekend to a wedding of one of our best friend’s daughter. For those who cannot bear to be without some words of wisdom from the Lou,  I share something short to think about which I did not write but wish I had.  I think it’s insightful and is appropriately…
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August 10, 2017 0

Thank God for People a Lot Smarter than Me!

Like most people I’d like to think that I am reasonably intelligent. I was privileged to attend an excellent public high school, graduate college with a business degree, and obtain a law degree from one of the top law schools in the country. I have since practiced law for more than 30 years and seen and learned quite…
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August 5, 2017 0

Maybe Lincoln Got it Wrong?

No- I’m not endorsing slavery. But I am seriously re-thinking the benefits of the UNITED States of America. More than 150 years after the civil war we are about as United as the airline when it comes to treatment of its passengers. It’s clear that we are intractably divided in our political and cultural views.…
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July 30, 2017 0

Getting More Out Of Our Limited Days

  So today is my birthday. Needless to say, I don’t have the same warm feeling about it as when I was turning 16 or 21 or even 40 (despite the heat index at freakin 107 degrees today in the Lou!) I find it strange that our age, which is such an important life barometer…
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July 21, 2017 0

Our Dog Vinny

Happy Birthday to Vinny who is one year old today! He’s a great dog- playful, friendly to all, smart, obedient and just plain lovable. To top off his resume he carries a big stick. But his birthday got me thinking about dogs’ pathetic longevity. It’s been the mantra since I was a child that one year…
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July 15, 2017 0

Tennis Deserves More (and less) Love

Happy July 4th- the day we celebrate our independence from that brutal regime across the Atlantic that had the audacity to tax us and take away our guns! Undeterred by these developments, England proudly holds it’s biggest and most prestigious sporting event at this time every year: The Wimbledon Tennis Championships. So let’s talk one…
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July 4, 2017 0