Author: msophir

Have we forgotten some folks during this pandemic?

During these unprecedented and difficult times we naturally tend to be more concerned about ourselves, our families and our close friends. Some also expand their empathy and dollars to help the folks who are sick, the financially strapped and especially the hero doctors and nurses on the front lines. That’s all certainly appropriate. But what…
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April 25, 2020 0

Corona on the lighter side

Some additional random observations from this past crazy month living in a world with corona-virus (I know there are serious ramifications for some, which I do not make light of, but you got to always have a sense of humor): 1. As my family knows well, I have never liked the Happy Birthday Song. In…
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April 10, 2020 0

The upside of Corona?

As I looked out my front window this morning, watching massively sized unexpected snowflakes fall from the sky just as Spring has commenced, I was struck by the unpredictability of life. Who could have imagined a couple of months ago that most of us would be living in self-quarantine/isolation mode unable to go to work,…
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March 22, 2020 0

The Most Amazing year in Sports – EVER!

When Kansas City won this year’s Super Bowl, it culminated the most remarkable year in sports history for fans who come from cities that could be very fairly described as overdue, desperate and Championship-starved. The Chiefs played in the very first Super Bowl in 1967 and were thrashed by the Green Bay Packers 35-10. They…
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February 15, 2020 0

I’m still (half) waiting for your Congratulations!

I got up early today excited about the prospect of receiving adoration from family members and friends. After all, today is my birthday – well, my half-birthday. So, I have been waiting patiently for the flood of e-mails, texts and phone calls to arrive, and for my Facebook page to light up relentlessly with “likes”…
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January 21, 2020 0

Happy Thanksgiving to All!

Or, as my Texas friends would say: “Happy Thanksgiving Y’all” (I have to admit the y’all works especially well with this holiday.) Thanksgiving has always been a Favorite holiday of mine with the Fabulous F’s: the Fall (the best time of the year in the Midwest), the Family (especially when joined by my siblings and…
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November 28, 2019 0

My new Book is here!

For those wondering where I have been and clamoring for commentary, pontifications, insights (or lack thereof), I have been very busy writing a book about a subject which followers know I am passionate about: The St. Louis Blues. (I promise that this is the last blog about the Blues for awhile.) If you are from…
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November 16, 2019 0

The cosmic connection between the Nats and the Blues

Congratulations to the Washington Nationals (and to my sister’s family who lives there) for an amazing run to the World Series crown! What a great team, group of players and story. As a St.Louisan I couldn’t help but notice the remarkable similarities to our Blues capturing their first Stanley Cup in 52 years only a few short months…
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November 1, 2019 0

From Ghetto to Gloria!

Exhilaration! Exaltation! Ecstasy! Mere “E” words that can’t begin to fully capture the Euphoria that I and many folks in and from the Lou are experiencing today after The Blues have (finally) won the Stanley Cup — 52 YEARS since they first laced them up in the Lou! I think of my soon-to-be 90- year…
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June 13, 2019 0

The Beauty of Sports in one simple photograph

This photo taken by my wife as we were leaving a Blues game captures what sports can be. Young and old, black and white, hairless and blue hair – bound together for a few memorable hours in a timeless experience of excitement, thrills and, if a Blues fan, more than the occasional agony. But not…
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May 30, 2019 0

No Longer Singing the Blues?

October 11, 1967 and May 10, 1970 – two dates indelibly etched in my mind as a lifelong St. Louis Blues fan. The first date represents the beginning of my love/anguish affair with the hockey team from the river city that has failed to produce a single Championship in the 18,851 days (and counting) since…
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May 22, 2019 0

Are our taxes too high?

Tomorrow is one of the most dreaded days of the year for many Americans (excluding those who foolishly celebrate that they are “getting a refund,” which simply means that they overpaid their withholding/estimated payments and gave Uncle Sam an interest free loan for the year). To most people, the answer to the question posed is…
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April 14, 2019 0

“Varsity Blues” Scandal may be a Good Thing After All

In my spare time I have been investigating the backgrounds and performance of the “Varsity Blues” students who were aided in their admission to various prestigious universities by the grace of devoted parents and some bank. It turns out, to my pleasant surprise, that several of these students are actually doing great things that I…
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April 1, 2019 0

Thank God it’s Today

It’s Friday afternoon! Fridays occupy MVP-type status among the days of the week. Indeed, folks in elevators, colleagues near coffee stations, and students of all ages have an extra bounce to their step as they routinely proclaim: “Thank God it’s Friday.” Everyone within earshot generally flashes a smile and nods in agreement. After all, Friday…
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March 22, 2019 0

Expressions I Just Can’t Get My Arms Around

There are many commonly used expressions that I find perplexing. I will share a few that really “get on my nerves:” 1. Why do many folks say after someone dies that “we lost him?” Losing something suggests that it can be found – you just need to look a little harder, use an app, or…
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March 10, 2019 0